Parent Council

The Midmill School Parent Council is a group of parents selected by the Parent Forum to represent the views of all parents, carers and guardians in the school. The Parent Council works with the school to support learning and teaching, school improvement and parental and community engagement. Here are our Parent Council Members.

Contact the Parent Council Chairperson Mrs Emma Ritchie or Miss Finch for more information about getting involved in the Parent Council or email: or click here to view their Facebook page.

You can view the Parent Council Constitution here: Midmill Parent Council Constitution

Below are the minutes from the Meetings from Session 23/24

1 Parent Council Meeting 06.09.23

2 Parent Council Meeting 27.09.23

3 Parent Council Meeting 11.10.23

4. Parent Council Meeting 31.01.24

5. Parent Council Meeting 27.03.24

6. Parent Council Meeting 29.05.24